Friday, April 13, 2007

How!! Do we highjack people.

Every rehearsal has been productive. All the people involved are getting on top of this production. Now all we need is an audience. This, I am at a bit of a loss with.

Good reviews will help, word of mouth and good media coverage.

I need people to help us out, to give up that one night down the local (or if your like me) choose Catford rather than being stuck in limbo somewhere in central caught between the decision of which train to get home. Just two stops out of London Bridge. Not far, not expensive and not a waste of time.

If you like theatre/television/film you'll like this venue, this production and these people. If you think Neville's island doesn't appeal, you'll never know. We might beable to surprise you.

Theatre is a haven for inspiration. This is for anyone who enjoys feeling entertained. Least of all you can at least appreciate the omount of work that people have put in to this.

I have to wear this hat. The 'marketing' cap. Which, being a Bill Hicks fan is a horrible thing to have to admit. I don't want money, just support.

Hope that helps save my soul Bill!!!


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