Saturday, September 15, 2007

Then it all goes wrong!

Then you step into a packed tube to hear nothing but abuse. You leave only to find you've had your pocket poached and the book you're really enjoying is gone.

You meet friends who seem down on the world, they misunderstand you and you argue the point that makes it worse.

Now you're drunk, tired annoyed drunk! You head for home and miss your bus. Some young lads decide you look lonely and try to teach you a lesson on smiling by throwing fists in your general direction. You miss another bus.

You climb into bed at Nine am, after the train you jumped on at Five has taken you in your drunken slumber all the way to Gillingham and back.

You can't sleep due to road works taking place right outside your third floor flat window.

Your phone rings and you are summoned into work on your day of due to two mistakes made during the week. You leave the flat after drinking black tea and brushing your teeth with sour milk. The lady across the street points and laughs.

What could be worse.


Sunday, September 09, 2007

He thought he had it all!

You are full of the feeling you get when you've managed to get through the struggle of closing an over packed suitcase. Relief. You've earn t enough to pay for all you're plans. You've had a long day and an even longer week, now you're relaxing with friends. A great sense of accomplishment breathes from your pores.

She smiles at you from across the street. You help the lady next to you pick up her paper before the sheets fly away. Your phone moves and sends you a nice message. Someone is thinking about you.

You sleep with honest dreams, You wake with no sleepy dust! You take some coffee and bread. Everything is in line, unless it has been specifically placed out of line. You look in the mirror and it tells you that you're proud. A light smile engulfs your heart and the sun shimmering on familiar waves is the twinkle in the corner of your eyes. You have time!

The hairs on the back of your neck stand up just as the pictures of family and friends stroll through your thoughts. You feel warm as the cool breeze gently passes your skin like a silk garment.

It's alright being you, I wonder who you could pass it all onto this week!

Zenith Williams

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Picking the best fifteen!

As the planning and preparation for 2008 hits home and begins to pick up momentum, I find myself in a familiar yet totally unfamiliar hat.

And I'm not talking about my fez.

The Rugby world cup is with us again. Yep it's time to cross the water for some French toast, maybe a coffee and a croissant and then the perfect wash down with a beer or two. All this of course before 'Swinging Low."

Brian Ashton has an enormous task. Me, as a complete patriot, and Rugby fan remain optimistic.

His task is all about picking (as Sir Clive did in 2003,) the right team to take to the field in each game. Brian (his job made harder with new players coming in) is under pressure as the raining World Champions endeavor to retain that honor.

So, I was thinking about Dubai 08. The proposal is for us to produce the Heather Brothers musical 'Slice of Saturday Night'. Interestingly enough, well i say interesting. (I find it interesting, if you don't you might want to stop reading this now. Why don't you go and tense all your arm muscles by pushing you're arm into the wall for thirty seconds. Then step away and watch as your arm as it performs it own impression of a hail Hitler. Spooky!) hh..hmmmm sorry about that. I'm getting exited and my English blood boils.


So, interestingly enough we would be looking at about fifteen in the touring party.

It's quiet a number to manage. When people are in for the experience you rely on good will. If you don't have that things could get sticky.

So do you go for your best players. What if they don't all get on? Do you go for a diplomatic mix?
I'm sure I'll work this out. I've always been a believer in 'the best people should get the call.' Ahh but who are the best people?

Are they the best actors, singer or dancers? Are they good all rounders? Or are the good company members and great to travel with?

Yep Brian mate best of luck. I made not have an entire nation on my back, but I think i understand your world a bit better these days.

Swing low people, swing low!!!

Tuesday, September 04, 2007

I'm full of it!!

Sometimes I read these back and wonder what the hell was I talking about. Still nothing new there then. At least i'm doing everything with a smile. With my unfortunate face I kind of have to.

Feeling good about everything at the moment. Yep I am ready to be Thirty. Life is grand and often dramatic. Sometimes a little cold..(pause for thought) shut up Mark you absolute jockey.

Have a great day!!!

Monday, September 03, 2007

I've spent the whole day doing administrative work for these future plans for 2008. Already i can tell that a larger cast means a lot more work. My favorite writing emails.

I can feel myself going crazy as I write them. My eyes getting dizzy as I glance at my fingers first, then the letters that will form my..words. yep you all know that...mean a pause for thought.

Well actions and all that so I'd best get on.

Honesty? Well if everyone that used a computer was honest, most messages would probably read,

I went to the shop today and erm....must think of something funny to say.. ermm Ohh I saw a cat run into a wall..and it ermm. !!! S??t thats not funny. I ermmm. .how are you doig. (followed by a brief look at the screan) bolloks. Delete, delete delete. how are you doing? That'll do.

Such is life.

Sunday, September 02, 2007

It rained but I didn't notice.

I'm fast being called oblivious Curtis by a man in clothes I don't recognise. "Dude I wallow in this stuff, I'm mad for it" He smiles and I feel fine.

I've just had possibly one of the best summers on record.

I can't compare it to the summers where we were all involved in the Youth Theatre. Those were of course amongst some of the best memories, stored away never to be lost.

Nor can I compare it to long summers abroad in the sun shine. Turning up to the wrong wedding in South Africa and getting half way through the main course before I noticed. Ohh they laughed!!! "Get him!!!" S~*T!!!!! Perhaps I shouldn't have commented on the brides foot wear.

Nor can I compare it to the first professional job. Returning to teach a Youth Theatre that I grew up in. Exhilarating. "Thanks Paul."

This one stands alone. Why was it so good?

Strap yourselves in. Here we go.

Since the beginning Yaller Skunk had to concentrate on certain 'boring' aspects of running a company to based on reputation. I suppose we had to learn to concentrate on one thing at a time. Once you send an email you need to be ready for the reply. That sort of thing. In short we were trying to secure contracts.

Due to our early success with 'Someone Who'll Watch Over Me' (Possible Trafalgar Studio transfer.) and Neville's Island (Middle East tour) we were able to get back to what we love. But this could only happen once we were happy we could cope with what was on our paper plates. We've never professed to be the leaders in our fringe world. Jesus until nine months ago we didn't even have a computer. And I didn't have an email address. But what I'm proud about is that we've done it. And we have done it in our own 'no nonsense' way.

There is a natural build from this you can see clearly on paper. We should aim to produce a couple or more shows at the Catford Broadway (Home!!) And we should be aiming to take another show abroad. For a slightly longer tour. Great. Yep both of these are happening all be it the negotiation phases. We've obviously done something right.

Since then this summer I've been involved in five jobs that all involve a different kind of creation.

A devised show based on transition was put together to help the merger of two rival schools. Working for the Key Theatre myself and Mark Smedly, (Colleague and friend) worked with two groups of young people aiming to bring them together under a new roof. What a challenge. What a laugh!!

As a company we devised a piece for the Ipswich Pulse Festival based in the world of binge drink a subject close to me red wine coloured heart.

Two summer school projects home and abroad. The Wizard of Oz (Dubai) and The Jungle Book (Key Theatre)

And a devised show based on the title "Is that Funny" for the Oxford Playhouse.

Such was the diversity of these five jobs, I've hit the ground hard. Thank god I landed on my feet and ran like road runner. Beep, beep!!!

The summer was so great because it made me re-evaluate my job. And in turn my job has made me use skills that I'd forgotten I had. Basically I feel proud of my achievements. Devising can be very daunting especially when you've got a group of young people waiting for your guidance. What if they don't go for it? What if they hate me and the subject?

"Well then you have to work even harder to get their trust!!! Don't give up and good things will happen!!" I have kept telling myself over the years, my hands shaking. Blasted white Russian.

But it's true.

Every job over the summer offered me something new. I also met an extraordinary amount of nice people, some I already knew and others it was the first the first time we had met. I hope I meet all of them again in any capacity. There were so many surprises. And so many inspiring performances "Thank you!"

You can't do this stuff on your own. And this is why I consider myself one of the luckiest men alive. Each job brings with it a different group of people to work with. Each challenge is to be shared with someone. This summer once those doors were thrown open, I was able to see a group of people who each stand out surrounded (like in a cartoon) with their own personal outline.

Smeds, with his endless reassurance. Jason for his guidance even when he was ill. The entire group abroad who keep each other going with endless laughter whilst leaving enough room for alone time. Katy "Ding dong the witch IS dead."

P'boro and what a bubble. Tim, Nalton, Coops and Sam. What can't I say about you four. I've made three new close friends. And me and Tim are like brothers. I'm going to watch all four of those careers with special interest. The whole Summer School party I'm really missing. I'm sure they can tell by the random texts I keep sending out to all. Good luck you lot.

Paul and Lisa the dogs and everything that goes with Woody and Loz you guys are family! Forever!

Oxford was the land of new adventure in terms of friendships. Cheers Sarah and Rupert for the one liners and freedom to get on with it.

Throw into this a few relaxing nights in the pub, some very nice meals and some crazy thirst driven weekends, and bang there is your great summer. No......not quite. I've seen two shows this summer just as a spectator that deserve a special mention. Our Day Out and Into the Woods. Without getting emotional. Thank you!!! You know who you are. And i strugglr to sit through theatre.

With the latter half of the year looking special (three jobs back to back on the boards with friends including the bank manager) this year could pass as one of my best. F~#K I think I've grown up.

What do you think to that Mum and Dad? (who I know will be amongst the first to read this!)

Oh well back to night shift at the Porn Studio. Sleep well. Back to earning some cash. Oh yeah as long as I earn else where the rest I'd do for free.